Haier Thermocool

CUSSONS Baby Nigeria


From September to November 2021, I designed and scripted a social media campaign on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn to build Corrency's Community and attract prospects. The theme was Easy, Fast, Fun and Convenient.

Project background

Corrency was a fintech company aimed at helping its customers send money internationally at Zero charge. Whilst the company was thriving at its own pace, the owners were seeking to expand and reach out to prospects by establishing a solid online presence. The goal of the campaign was beyond increasing sales; it was to build a community.

Creative process

I was tasked with creating designs and writing copy that spoke about the company and suited the needs of both its existing customers and prospects. I started by building a brand persona, then identifying the unique value of Corrency, segmenting its audience and then crafting the content that the audience wanted to see or hear. I harnessed the

Final results

At the end of the three-month campaign, Corrency had gained new customers, a community of over 2000 prospects and the online presence they needed on all platforms.

Words from A Satisfied Client

We hit 2500 community members...We literally had the highest number of transactions this week, over $50,000- Emmanuel, Corrency

Corrency LinkedIn Campaign

Unexpected financial situations do not come with a timetable. Circumstances that involve sending money or receiving could crop up at any time. Local money transfers are often easy, but international ones can get quickly complicated and difficult to handle.

There are plenty of options available when you are looking to send or receive money abroad.

But are they fast, secure and affordable?

Enters: @getcorrency

We provide a platform that is fast, secure and free of charges for multi-currency payments.

Sign up here to get started:

#corrency #zerostress #hasslefree #instantransfer #lagosbiztic #startups #entrepreneurs #sendmoney #globaltransfers #globaltransfer #receivemoney #hasslefreegang #multicurrency

Independence Camapign

The beauty of the Nigerian people is never their persistent happiness, no matter what, we keep smiling.

Don’t let anything stop your smile today...not even frustrating payment platforms. (Use @getcorrency 😏)

#getcorrency #independenceday


SUBJECT: Big News: We’ve hit the 2500 mark! ✨

PREVIEW TEXT: Join the train today...

(First_name), over 2500 people now use Corrency to make global transfers! 

Why Corrency? Here’s why.

Our services cut across every need and this shows exactly how. 2500 people, just like you, use Corrency in different ways. For:

  1. Sending and receiving money from family and friends abroad.

  2. Making payments to foreign vendors.

  3. Getting paid for their services in different currencies...and so on.

Awesome, right? We know! 😉

Corrency vs Other International Accounts 

At Corrency, our dollar exchange rate is $1 to N510 and no additional fee is paid when we do person-to-person transfers. 

While others will process at a rate of $1 to N528 or N530 and take three days to deliver, we offer instant and secure transfers in less than 48 hours.

It is truly a hassle-free life!

Join Us

The best part is, with just your Corrency account, you can save in any currency of your choice and receive money from 140+ countries across the globe. 

You’ll also be able to create a virtual card at no cost, fund it and make limitless international transfers.

Earn More

Want to start making some extra money? Join our in-house network of agents today.

Next Steps:

  • Send us an email to start making free international transfers or saving in foreign currencies today.

  • Follow us on social media for real-time updates.

  • Tell a friend to tell a friend.

See you on the inside (First_name)

The Corrency Team

(First Name), sending money abroad just got easier!

Preview Text: Your free global transfers are waiting for you…

Mary wants to pay for her goods purchased from Aliexpress. After several days of bargaining and verifying, the supplier sends her details of an AliPay account to pay into. Mary happily accepts and downloads the app, only to realise that she can't use it because she is in Nigeria. She asks her supplier for another way to pay and he sends a PayPal ID, but payment is still difficult. 

Everyday, millions of Africans are faced with this dilemma.

At Corrency, we help people send and receive cross-border payments seamlessly. With our network of partners, we are able to offer the best transaction rates with zero fees

Our goal is to make global transactions a hassle-free experience for you and we do this by providing you with a multi-currency account, a virtual card and, more importantly, instant currency exchange services.

The Corrency mobile app is launching soon, but you can still process your transactions by sending us an email. You can also join our in-house network of agents and make some money, by filling this form

Next Steps:

  • Send us an email to start making free international transfers or saving in foreign currencies today 

  • Follow us on social media for real-time updates

  • Tell a friend to tell a friend

See you on the inside (First Name)! 

The Corrency Team

SUBJECT: Hi (First Name), we think you might like this…

PREVIEW TEXT: It is Monday morning; start the week with some good news!

(First Name),  has this ever happened to you?

Story! story!!...Once upon a time, ( Just kidding! 😄). But really, there’s a story in here that will definitely interest you. So sit back, grab whatever snacks your hand can reach and enjoy this Monday tale!

Some time ago, Jane graduated from a Nigerian university and decided to further her studies abroad. Since many people are planning to ‘japa’ these days, you can understand why right? 😉

After much drama, she finally got a school that was nice and affordable. She made all the applications and was left paying university’s registration. It didn’t seem like it would be complicated.. Is it not just to send foreign currency and transfer it, how hard could it be?

If only Jane had known that it was premium tears that would await her in the future. She went from pillar to post just because she wanted to send 20 euros abroad. When she finally found someone to pity her and help her do some shady transfer, the transaction charge ended up being twice the price of the registration fee. 

Ah! You’re shocked right? So were we when we first heard the story.

If only she knew about Corrency. At Corrency, we offer NO FEE multi-currency payments and global transfers at the lowest rate. You even get access to a virtual card and an opportunity to save in foreign currencies! 

Even better, all this happens at the speed of light: instant transfer!

The Corrency mobile app is launching soon, but you can still process your transactions by sending us an email. You can also join our in-house network of agents and make some money by filling this form

Next Steps:

  • Send us an email to start making free international transfers or saving in foreign currencies today 

  • Follow us on social media for real-time updates

  • Tell a friend to tell a friend

See you on the inside (First Name)! 

The Corrency Team


Hera is a content marketing organization seeking to growits own audience member whilst providing content marketing for her clients.

The Campaign Goal?

  1. Identify Hera's Audience needs and the best platform to reach them

  2. Increase engagement on all platforms

  3. Provide value to the audience

Evaluation Indicators

  1. Target audience and effective channels defined?

  2. Number of engagement on posts

  3. Number of bookings on the website.

Campaign Process

  1. Meeting the arget audience

    1. Researching their messaging and communities.

    2. Sharing polls and questions on personal social media handles

    3. Holding interviews with target audience

    4. Connecting to freelance content marketers to share their works and become a part of their community

    5. Cold-Messaging

  2. Design targted content content

    1. Distributing these content with signups and main CTA

    2. Drafting impactful design and copy


Over 10 new bookings

Engagement increased by 200%

Connected to 30 new freelancers

Writing Great Headlines

We heard someone say 'It’s practically a blogging commandment. Thou shalt write great headlines' and we agreed to it ten times over. What is a great article without a great headline?🤔

Writing great headlines is not easy and it could often take the sametime as writing the entire 3 paged document...(the struggles)...😔

Fortunately, there is a secret code we know that always works and because we care so much about you, we chose to share...The key to headlines that pique the interest of even the most disinterested reader or writing client is to be absolutely outlandish. In a short second, they transform you from apathetic to astonished. 😎

Here are a few examples to get a better picture of what we are saying.
To Master this art, Read more:

#contentwriting #contentwriters #contentnarketing #hera

Making it yours...

We stumbled on this quote and it seemed like the perfect motivation to start the week. (No, don't go out to steal, jail is very real.)😌

And because we consider ourselves great writers or artists in this context, we decided it was perfectly okay to steal this quote and make it ours.😎

Imagining Picasso Pablo as a Heran, here is what he would mean when he says this: A good writer would see a great content idea and try his or her best to perfectly emulate the idea, but a great writer Heran Writers😉 would take elements of various ideas and cultivate them into a unique piece. So here is the deal, as a content writer, you do not have to create the concept, you just have to make it yours (cue in multiple snapping of fingers and perfectly timed 'hmmns')._😊

To master this beautiful art of content writing, find industry tips and tricks here:
#contentwriting #contentcreator #contentmarketing

The Ultimate cure for Writer's Block

“Writing about writer’s block is better than not writing at all.”—Charles Bukowski.

This might make you very uncomfortable, we can imagine you rushed here to find answers and we just told you back to your face to 'Just write' but the truth is and will always be, writing something is always better than writing nothing.

We know you can hear your client's voice loud in your ears, your editor is ringing bells of deadline and you can't just stop staring at your blank word document sheet hoping that ideas will magically spring forth from a well and form a beautiful story on the sheets.

Stop wishing, it won't happen or maybe it could but 9 times out of 10, you still have to write that article. So here is the ultimate trick, the best way to get your ideas flowing is to write through the block. It doesn't have to be good stuff, it doesn't even have to be what your readers want to read, just write!

#writersblock #contentwriters #contentmarketing #contentwriting #hera

A view of my Dyanmic Client Base


(Procurement and Installation of Cold Storage Facilities

Copy: It is the start of a new week and a chance to venture into your cold room business with expert technical advice, experienced personnel, and quality services.

Our sole mission is to ensure that you become a successful business coldroom owner, so take the chance now to partner with us.

 Contact us via mail at or WhatsApp chat on +2348063150242 for your enquiries.. You can also visit our website at

 Happy New Week!


(Charity Organization)


We are choosing to tackle Goal 1 and Goal 6, what goals would you choose to focus on this weekend.

Happy Weekend!

#volunteer #charity #change #nonprofit #activisim #emmanuelezefoundationEMMANUELEZE

(Poverty and Education Foundation)


(University Alumni Association)

Copy: Happy New Month, Eaglesss🦅🦅🦅

It is the eighth month of the year, who is excited🥳🥳🤩
We are thankful to God for bringing us this far. If you are also grateful, say a word of thanksgiving as you go about your day🙏🏾

Do you know any Eagles born in July??🙃😌

Celebrate them in the comments and tell them they mean so much to youu😍🥰


(HR OutsourcingOrganization)

Copy: What does Employee Engagement mean to you?

To businesses, it is all about keeping communication lines open to make employees happier and more effective.

It may sound easy to do but a number of companies actually fall short when it comes to keeping their employees engaged.

For some companies, this happens because they don’t have enough resources to properly engage their staff but for a lot of others, they just don’t know what to do.

This is where we come in. At Venlab, we offer you an amazing opportunity to speak to HR experts that can assist you in implementing employee engagement strategies, recruitment process development and much more.

Book a 1-on-1 session with an expert on today!
#Venlab #experts #humanresourcesmarketing #humancapital

Venlab Linkedin Copy

Copy 1: Technology is transforming the way companies interact with their employees and customers. 

Is your company keeping up?

Book a 1-on-1 session with an expert on to find out today!

#business #finance #technology #technology #experts #venlab #hr #humanresourcemanagement

Copy 2: There are so many sides to a business and often times startups struggle to keep up with the never-ending demands.
Once the ideas are out, there's financial planning, budgeting, taxes, HR management and a lot of other necessities that startups have to keep up with

What happens when none of these things have ever been a mainstay of your practice, and you don't have the time or human resources to devote to developing extensive plans?

The solution is simple: Outsourcing. 

You don’t need to know and do everything yourself. Focus on your strengths and outsource the others. Life can be much simpler if you allow it. 

Book a 1-on-1 session with a finance expert on today

Copy 3: Are you looking to take your company to new heights?

Or do you want to expand your talent pool without having to hire new people? 

Let's take a look at how outsourcing can help you do just that.

It saves you money: What business doesn’t like to save itself some of its labour expenses. Outsourcing is a cost-effective method that allows you to keep your spending to a minimum and only pay for what you require.

You’ll get access to industry experts: Being a brilliant entrepreneur doesn’t mean you have to be a specialist in accounting or HR. Consider outsourcing and entrust your business with professionals who can devote 100% of their attention to it. Delegation is key!
It saves you time: Outsourcing non-essential services - such as back-office operations or administration - releases resources and enables you to concentrate on your core business functions.

Maximize these benefits today: Go to and book a session with an expert on Venlab!

#business #finance #hr #entrepreneur #outsourcing