The Goddess of Commitment and I


Is it no coincidence that she was my goddess calling of the year? I once prayed to her daily with the goal of embodying and manifesting commitment and traditional family structures.

Before that, I was too immature to appreciate her greatness. Like Zeus I was repulsed by her constant ambushes and her overzealous loyalty, but now I understand. Now I can relate to the internal conquest that women crave.

But why can’t I recall or name a child bearing goddess? Is it that I’m not just there yet? Is it just that when the time is right, I’ll be ready to bear the archetype?

Am I also guilty of being too consumed by the masculine, both the external/physical one in my life and the one that resides within my own vessel,that I have lost track of my intuitive calling?

She has blessed me with a chance of commitment, but is the Athena in me running away? Is she so repulsed by the idea of playing out traditional feminine values? Do I fear my freedom is being curtailed by own choice?

I’m afraid of becoming a victim like Metis, only to be consumed by my masculine partner, leaving my offspring to be raised without me, while I reside only in the mind of a Jupiter. The same Jupiter who's innate drive is domain and strategy in love. For is that not the masculine desire for external conquest?

The Myth Explained

"...the goal of embodying and manifesting commitment and traditional family structures."

The Goddess Hera, although primarily remembered for her wrathful jealousy in masculine dominated mythology, she is also recognized in Greek myths as a goddess of sacred commitment, marriage and monogamy. As a goddess who is adamant about respecting tradition in social bonds, she is an ideal figure to offers devotions in regards to fidelity, family and home life.

"Is she so repulsed by the idea of playing out traditional feminine values?"

It is in Jean Shinoda Bolen's, "Goddesses in Every Woman" where Athena is described as a predominately masculine figure. This is due not only to her masculine attributes like war and craftsmanship, but also due to the father quality. The father quality is described as an individual who defends patriarchal values and norms, primarily those in which promote tradition and a masculine dominated culture.

"I’m afraid of becoming a victim like Metis, only to be consumed by my masculine partner, leaving my offspring to be raised without me, while I reside only in the mind of a Jupiter."

In Greek mythology, Zeus (and his Roman counterpart Jupiter) is known for swallowing Metis, a goddess of wisdom, after a prophecy had revealed their second born child would be more powerful than him. From this consumption, the goddess of war and craftsmanship, Athena, was born after emerging from the head of Zeus. It is believed that much of Zeus's wisdom and knowledge stems from Metis residing within him and his psyche.

The Birth of the Milky Way, also known as The Origin of the Milky Way, by Peter Paul Rubens.

Macy Fidel

San Diego, CA 92139 |

© Macy Fidel, 2023