The way this adaptation feels closer to Hans Christian Andersen original Little Mermaid made me SO happy.
My favorite live action adaptations have been Beauty and The Beast with Cinderella following close behind. This one has now taken my number one spot and it has everything to do with the script.
The depth this script gave with the relationship between Ariel and her father, the back story of Ursula, the way they gave Eric’s character a back story that no other prince has had, the relationship building that was missing in the animated version…the writers handled this story wonderfully.
When the trailer originally was released I thought Sebastian and Flounder looked weird. They looked very weird to me. However, after watch the film, watching Daveed & Jacob voice Sebastian and Flounder are together, and doing some additional research about different crustaceans, the GCI is more than acceptable.
I usually don’t like new songs but the hate “The Scuttlebutt” was receiving didn't make much sense to me. Ask any child who has watched the film, the LOVE that song and that's what it's truly about.
I was a bit disappointed when I found out Harry Styles declined the role of Prince Eric. It later came out that Harry wanted to take on more serious roles ( Like The Policeman)
It turned out to be a blessing because Jonah Hauer- King is PERFECT and “Wild Uncharted Waters” is my new favorite Disney song by a prince. He really was able to bring a different version of Prince Eric to screen. Eric has more substance in this live action version.