Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

Transformers film number what?

You know how a series can have so many films that the ones in the middle will start to blend together so much that you don’t remember the details?
I believe that time period for Transformers is over for me.

Photo by Paramount Pictures, Skydance, and Hasbro Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

From Shia, to Mark, to Anthony.

As someone who loves the films with Shia, can’t remember the films with Mark Wahlberg, and remembers even less of the Bumblebee prequel, I was a bit scared going into this one! The feeling of the original films IS BACK! The family aspect was also very sweet to see.

Bumblebee & Mirage

Bumblebee’s sound bites made me so happy
I know Pete Davidson gets a lot of negativity, because of things going on in his personal life, but he voices Mirage so well, it’s hard to picture anyone else voicing him.

Okay, so what's next?

With Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, it's a prequel that leads into the Beast Wars, however there hasn't been a mention from Hasbro about if they are moving forward in that direction yet.

With that being said the post credit scene has me SUPER EXCITED and hopeful that Hasbro plans to move forward with this IP after the writers strike is over.