Mikros Animation - Mikros Scoop!

01 — Project details

Mikros Animation's roster of projects was rapidly ramping up. To keep clients and fans of the animation company up to date on the latest company news - upcoming projects, events, and job listings - we created Mikros Scoop! An external newsletter that users could subscribe to through email and LinkedIn.

02 — Creative process

Our goal was to launch an attention-grabbing and engaging newsletter to reflect the playful nature of Mikros Animation. I worked with a designer on the initial concept and layout. 

To create an edition of Mikros Scoop, I would collect top stories from that month (press releases, blog posts, etc.), work with a designer to create specific assets, and meet with our leadership team for approvals.

We gained 34,000 subscribers across LinkedIn and HubSpot 4 months after our initial launch!

Paige Biza

Orange County, CA | paige.biza@gmail.com

© Paige Biza, 2023