Let’s Get Your Site to the Top of Google, Shall We?

I’ve been writing content for several years — I can write anything from blog posts to white papers.

Who Am I?

A professional content writer with a degree in English Literature, a background in marketing, and over a decade of writing experience. An expert in my field, I love crafting engaging and informative pieces that pull the right emotional triggers...and that readers just can't resist!

My Process?

Before I ever write, I step into the reader's world to understand their perspective, desires, and pain points. I start by asking myself questions like:

  • Who's the target audience?

  • What are their interests?

  • How can I address their needs and add value to their life?

  • What tone and style would best resonate with them?

Armed with this knowledge, I create content that informs the mind, resonates with the heart, and ranks high on the SERPs.

I’m on a mission to elevate your brand through rock-solid, bespoke content solutions customized to your needs.

It doesn’t matter what those needs are: Informative blog posts? Check. Persuasive sales copy? Let's roll. Engaging YouTube scripts? Say no more! Captivating social media content? Copy that. SEO-optimized articles? Consider it done.

Working with many editors and content managers throughout the years I found that being part of a team is just as fun as writing on my own.

Why Choose Me?

I’m passionate about the written word. I believe that words, chosen carefully, have the power to inspire and influence decisions. When you choose me, you choose someone who pours heart and soul into a piece to produce a masterpiece.

I'm a mediator at heart. I go out of my way to understand the theme you wish to express and bring it to life. I work to prioritize your voice, syntax, word choice, and creative expression to ensure that the content is on-brand and effectively connects with your audience.

I have a keen eye for detail and an unwavering commitment to quality. When I write about a topic, I approach it from various angles to offer fresh insights that set you apart from the competition. My ultimate goal is to make you an authority in your space. If you want to bring your ideas to life and outshine your competitors, let's talk.

I’ve worked with over 16 clients from different industries. See my portfolio below.

Love what you see? Want to work together? Drop me a message and I’ll get back to you in no time.

Woodvale Place, Woodvale Grove Postal code/ZIP: 41762-00100 | Phone: (254) 716467876 | Email: koechjosphat27@gmail.com

© Josphat Koech, 2024