Jakub Puk, aspiring freelance writer and fantasy map designer.

Below you will find a selection of fantasy map projects and blogs that I am currently involved in.

Somerville Town

A minimalist style modern fantasy map with a population of approximately 55,000 people, and a very historic old town.

Kingdom of Ventura and Lorentia

Made using a fantasy map maker program called Inkarnate, this is a Dungeons and Dragons-inspired map that is named after the two main islands in the chain, depicting the way of life in 9th century AD.

Kingdom of Vergun

Another Dungeons and Dragons inspired map that is depicted on the 14th century AD, with a vibrant mix of nomadic and medieval culture.

Village of Frattisham

Made in Inkscape, this black-and-white drawing of the village of Frattisham is inspired by one of the Ordnance Survey maps of a Suffolk village that was originally published in 1903.

Land of Ternia

Consisting of a mainland and 15 islands off the coast of the Sanctuary Sea, as well as over 150 settlements that are dominated by a mighty mountain range running through the mainland's spine, this Roman-era map of Ternia is inspired by a Ptolemy remake from 1482.

So, if you are interested in what I have to offer, why not come along and collaborate on a project together?

Jakub Puk

Ipswich, United Kingdom | +44 (0)7749 593257 | kuba27131@gmail.com

© Jakub Puk, 2023