As marketing manager at Proskill Australia, I redesigned the email marketing platform and created strategy to position the Proskill brand and build on the existing customer base. The challenge was to take a large database of contacts based mostly on signups from conference demos and existing B2B clients, and turn it into an effective digital sales tool.
It also became clear we needed to better understand the offering.
Mascot delivers a premium workwear brand that is long-lasting, high quality and relatively expensive.
However, many of our customers work within industries dominated by cheaper, mass produced products with powerful advertising budgets.
How persuasive was the argument for quality and how could it best be presented to the market?
The first question was the relationship between the distributor’s business name (Proskill) and the product it supplied (Mascot Workwear). Two websites, and not a lot of overall brand awareness of either, suggested some clarity in the brand identity was required.
I felt we had to set about establishing a distinction between small business customers and larger organisations. The latter would likely be those most interested in longer-term budget savings to be made from Mascot's durability.
I also felt we needed to clearly articulate the premium brand benefits over many cheaper workwear competitors available in Australia.
• Transferring the entire database to an affordable mail service (Mailchimp) that would assist in customer research and segmentation to tailor our messaging.
• Scheduling regular EDM’s to educate customers on Mascot product features and seasonal products.
• Developing messaging around workplace safety, mental health (morale) and environmentally responsible production.
• Providing incentives and a clear call to action within each email that would boost email sign-ups and conversions.
• Developing a style guide for EDM’s and the proposed website. Proskill's graphic designer created a strong colour scheme (featuring orange, navy and charcoal grey) and we shifted the language to product profiles and benefits whilst retaining some of the existing customer testimonials and savings-related content.
• The creation of a Proskill Capability Statement Brochure for large company tenders and circulation at workwear expo’s around the country.
• A website upgrade of the existing Proskill website to feature only the most popular products being sold in Australia. The larger and more comprehensive international site for Mascot Workwear would then be reserved for large clients or customers searching for specific items and sizes.
• Identifying key product questions that potential customers are using to search online and the related keyword search terms. Using this knowledge we would develop blog pillar pages and clusters of sub-topics for the new website.
We introduced a series of headlines and marketing copy that focussed the message around Mascot Workwear as a new, premium brand in Australia - exclusively supplied and fitted by the workwear experts at Proskill.
We used EDM titles like:
Step Up to Mascot®.
Proskill Australia: Distributors of the World’s Leading Workwear from Denmark.
If You’re Not in Mascot® You’re Wasting Money.
Forward Thinking. Mascot® Workwear.
The World's Best Workwear - Just Got Better.
Are you sick of work clothes that fade, shrink, tear, and look like they’re ready to fall apart after just a few wears? Is looking the part essential for your business?
There’s a lot of cheaper brands out there, but if you really want to save money and need to make a good impression, Mascot’s Super Lightweight Workwear is the perfect fit for the Australian Summer.
It keeps you cool, it’s unbelievably comfortable, breathability tested, flexible and durable, and it will save you money in the long run because it lasts a good 2-3 times longer than most other brands.
What’s more, Mascot’s superb Danish design makes you look like a professional - and that’s a big tick from your customers.
For a limited time we’re throwing in a Super Lightweight Polo shirt at half price with every pants or shorts purchase. That’s a $45 saving before summer has even started.
Our customers rave about how cool this shirt wears on very hot days. In fact, some say they’d rather wear their Super Lightweight Polo to the gym instead of a singlet - on a 50 degree day!
Try it for yourself. Jump on our <Proskill website> and check out the Super Lightweight Advanced Polo - or speak to us to get all the workwear you'll need this summer - and next.
Call 1300 ** **7 or <Email ProSkill Australia>...and get summer ready.
I also created a series of Blog ideas aimed at specific segments within the database. We identified the following keyword terms as those with the best potential for improving Proskill's search ranking:
1. Work pants for men and women
2. Workwear near me
3. Work clothing
Using the three search terms as a starting point, we would construct a pillar page buying guide for the 'top-rated' workwear basics in each major industry category and address questions related to size, fit and function in a series of blogs. This would begin to raise awareness of the Mascot product difference.
I then identified three typical customers from the current Proskill database who would be most interested in cost savings:
- City Council/non-specific purchasing officer
- Construction Industry purchasing manager
- Auto Service Industry buyer
...and began to brainstorm ideas for blog posts about workwear cost savings that would build Proskill's profile in the awareness and consideration stages.
Buying Work clothes for your organisation? The 5 toughest work pants for men and women this summer (free buying guide)
Are you buying the right work clothing for your industry? The 5 top rated work pants for men and women and every job (free buying guide).
Buying work clothes for your organisation? How to save on gear that’s made for your industry.
3 quick and easy ways to make your work clothing budget stretch further (Quality, fit and ergonomics).
Attention Auto Service centres: are you spending too much on professional work gear?
― Chris Doolan, Proskill Australia