It all started with the desire to be creative.

Ever since I was a little girl, everyone who knew me saw that I was creative. Whether it be helping on an art project, arranging beautiful flowers, decorating, styling, or even finding new ways to help solve a problem; I was always the go-to. My boss came to me with a newly developed social media platform and did what most people did in my life, asked for a little help with creativity. How could I say no when my boss needed help and I was the one who she believed could help? I was up for a challenge and the rest is history.

She decided to give me access to her social media and I ran with the project, allowing all of my creative juices to flow and learning the platforms as I went along. Little did I know that the new responsibility would help mold my future career dreams and goals. After changing my degree and learning everything that I can in the field, I can say that I fell in love with Social Media and Marketing. Now working as the Creative Director for that very same boss, I have expanded my reach by helping maintain other social media accounts and platforms. I have definitely found my niche, and I cannot wait to help you create and help build yours.

My Journey,

It all started when I asked my boss if I was allowed to do some rearranging in the shop. Finding decor that helped give the shop some aesthetic, not only successfully styling brides, but styling the shop was what I believe initially caught my boss' eye, before she asked for some help with social media. With my background in communication, I was able to successfully understand what it was that the shop needed, and also what the customers wanted. I was able to successfully stay on top of current trends and styles and implement them into my content.

Deciding to change my degree was the scariest decision but it is something that I will never regret. With the support from my friends and family I have had an amazing journey learning about the marketing industry. Throughout the years I have come to understand that with the spread of social media and content basically ascending to the throne of the online world, being able to post pictures was not the only thing I needed to do to be successful. Learning how to photograph, videography, editing, and create digital pieces of work; alongside writing content such as witty captions and understanding the fundamentals of journalism in which I would be able to communicate and connect with clients was 100% necessary. Not only do I create content behind the screen, but marketing face to face with potential customers is one of the funnest projects, and one of my strengths. Being able to converse and connect with people to better understand what it is that the customers are looking for, so that I can point them in the right direction is a big part of my skill set as a marketing coordinator and creative director. With the creative freedom that I had while working for Ladies and Gents Bridal I have been able to implement all of my learning into successfully helping their business thrive, even through the hardships of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Being apart of an industry, like the Bridal Industry, that required my skill of design, styling, creativity, and communication was an amazing experience that soon had me thriving. Always looking for creative angles to be able to market and help a small business, by giving them a brand or image was what I realized I wanted to do for the rest of my life.