product-focus copy

Majority of the works listed come from a digital marketing angle, situated within the agency's directives. My creative authority is derived in the angling of content more than the final execution.

Flashy Food

Talking about taste buds is a mix of instant desire with visual appeal. In Singapore's culture, food is an enjoyment and an activity. The message is usually encouraged as a group activity to do, or expressed loud enough through promotion to encourage footfall.

To break out of the box of typical occasions and sales posts,

I generated themed content driven to tie specific emotions of empowerment. Associating the product to personalities & feelings of sincerity.

Occasions worth celebrating included less than happier times. People or gatherings unite in unexpected surprise. One of the out of the box ideas was to recommend products by horoscopes!

When products can emote better, instant engagements is spotted. (Other metrics unknown.)

Particular Products

Sensitive products like alcohol beverages can be tricky. Ads for specific products go through censorship checks on social platforms.

For this client's product, words had to be precise but convey desire.

The voice invites one to enjoy & indulge in moments accompanying drinking.

A new baby product in the market required building trust of use.

Branding + Product

When the product is part of a larger branding like R°SSA, quality has to translate throughout.

This informs the tone of the post when introducing any merchandise or its space, to make it pristine and exclusive.

Matching to Industry

Aligning with client's account can mean making subtle tweaks instead of a complete modernized revamp.

I adopted similar informative content as per the client's previous ads but used stronger first-liners to encourage audience to click 'see more'.

Besides Products, some industries are driven by a different content format!

Click on 'Service Based' page to find out how value shines in another writing style.

List is not limited to the ones shown and expandable over time.