Sales enablement initiatives for RICS

In my role as a B2B sales and marketing support specialist position -

Entrusted with a newly created role, I bridged the alignment of sales and marketing efforts. I introduced sales enablement strategy and developed efficient content creation processes to help Partner Development Managers (PDMs) from all regions (Europe, UKI, MEA, APAC, and America) easily access information for their prospecting purpose and feel confident about the material they use.

01 - Getting context and analyzing the current situation

I assessed each region's wants and needs, through user-research considerations that identify gaps within the company's tools and processes.

Finding the right tools to pinpoint emotional and practical aspects of each team's function was executed through frequent online meetings across regions and a priority sheet to determine preferences. From there, I identified gaps in processes and researched on programs with outside vendors to find a sales enablement tool that suited both marketing and sales.

02 - Trial and projected outcome

From strategy to execution, I led design implementation, content formats for consideration, and deliverable possibilities.

I utilised demo calls to reach out to several potential vendors and tested various programs for content creation including existing ones and the gaps it had. Keeping to the objective of usage efficiency that supported sales engagement, I had to ensure engagement touchpoints were dynamic and versatile. Finally, I deduced and proposed the most user-friendly and integrated software choice.

03 - Live implementation

The software introduced improved:

Content strategy

Digital innovation

  • Simplified and digestible content that accelerated understanding of complex information for clients

  • Tracking of click-through source and engagement data captured for future evaluations

  • Develop the suite of B2B content and encourage closer collaboration of sales and marketing teams

  • Ease of content creation for new and existing formats and reducing resource silos of information

  • Continuous content refinements are not disruptive to live sharing

  • Interactive and engagement design to stimulate readers' browsing experience

With a marketing-led approach, most improvements were made to improve the internal pre-delivery phase.

03 — Impact and results

The initiative was caught on by varying departments within the organisation - all interested in the execution possibility, efficiency, and integration with their own objectives.


responded positively, sharing content socially, and ideating on further collaborations to improve customer journey


expressed interest in receiving training on the platform and utilising the tool for more content creation


permitted more versatility and flexibility to content release and reconsidered their position in maintaining communications


found the software integral and efficient for consolidating larger group initiatives and information architect for a centralised resource hub


total views since procured for 9 months


unique visits amounting to 853 new visitors.


increase in overall visitors after 6 months


views were directed from Linkedin

Evaluation & Debrief

Evaluation was taken into account early after initial testing in Q1. We improved project management and added new processes to refine approvals and SLAs.

I made clearer definitions to shape collaboration between teams and tackled existing gaps before the software was procured. Design was also a priority when creating new formats and aligning brand messaging to design. Overall, the quality of information improved.

By Q2, I worked on developing better storylines and familiarisation of the online sharing platform, creating manual guides and training materials to onboard more marketers.

Q3 allowed a steadier flow of collateral releases and I worked on improving the dissemination and communication effort recently to get more noticeability internally.

Q4 - Results above show growth and expandability. Discuss in person for more details.

Based in Singapore, open to remote and work abroad.

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