service-based copy

Duty in Service

Some clients believe value is intangible in the short term and encourage audience to invest in them on a contractual basis or for longer terms. Industries like this usually delve in B2B spaces but employ social media as a tool to widen their reach and reshape their customer base.

The client sustained business with ads through the high and low periods of the pandemic.


Ads for the digital marketing agency I was in also involved coming from a businessman / salesperson approach. Speaking through the eye of the potential client, when writing for a digital marketing firm acquiring business.

As a new firm, there was less focus on branding and more on expanding businesses' methodologies against customer's pre-conceived system of working.

Memes was one creative angle employed.
Stories & universe within the creative.

Space for knowledge

A way to provide relevance in a service space is accessibility to free knowledge.

This is common today through advertiser's free webinars / masterclass trailers / one time consultation. In the case of the agency I was in, Email was a chosen expression to build longer subscription potential.

List is not limited to the ones shown and expandable over time.

Based in Singapore, open to remote and work abroad.

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