I'm what happens when you take a doctor of literary sciences and give her the powers of marketing

How it began

I think we've established my maladaptive attachment to words.

Marketing came into the picture when I got invested in all the wonderful ways stories affect us, beyond the magic of fiction.

So when I left academia, I started learning communication and marketing the hard way: by doing them.

Cue a cool training montage.

How it's going

I'm an Online Marketing Manager 🎉

@UX Studio

2022 — Present. I'm marketing online as we speak.

My work includes:

End-to-end SEO content creation from keyword research to writing and publishing, which is my absolutely favourite thing in the world, besides books and cats.

PPC and email marketing. Catch me bragging about my KPIs in my portfolio.

Copywriting, be it social media ads, organic content or emails. I also do proofreading and in-house writing workshops.

Measurements and analytics, which is absolutely necessary so you can call yourself cool things like "data-driven" and "user-obsessed." But it's true.

I think any online marketer worth their salt see data sheets and heat maps when they close their eyes.

Here comes my manifesto

Write copy that's meant to be read, remembered, and cherished.

We're doing search engine optimization, but we're not writing for machines.

A cute raccoon is curiously reaching for a person's phone.

My softest of skills

  • Creativity

  • Research

  • Communication

  • Critical thinking

  • Initiative and decision making

  • Conflict resolution and empathy

  • Making coworkers laugh with terrible memes

Work experience

UX Studio (2022–)

Online Marketing Manager

Prae (2019–2023)


VR Storm (2022)

Communications Specialist

Freelance (2015–2022)


ELTE and PPKE universities

Lecturer (contemporary drama and essay writing)


PhD — Literary and Cultural Studies, Eötvös Loránd University


MA — English Studies,

Eötvös Loránd University


BA — English Studies,

Eötvös Loránd University


Main skills

Copywriting (long– & short form)


Search Engine Optimisation

Email marketing

Brand strategy

Teaching & training

Research & data analytics

Customer management

Platforms & software

LinkedIn Campaign Manager


Ahrefs & SEMrush

Google Suite

