Wizards of the Coast

Copywriter for Wizards of the Coast

Since June 2019, I have been the copywriter for the Wizards Play Network website at Wizards of the Coast.

Results Since I Started at Wizards

42.7% increase in WPN article views

45% increase in unique WPN article views

I keep global WPN retailers up to date on everything they need to know to run a successful game store, from information about the newest Magic set to tips on easing their communities back into in-store events as restrictions lift worldwide.

Through collaboration with Retail Development, Consumer Marketing, and Ecommerce teams, I craft cohesive messaging across our platforms and edit copy created by other team members to maintain our brand voice throughout all WPN publications.

Memes for Fun and Profit

I love working with copywriters from other teams on projects outside my current scope—I produce my best work in a collaborative space, able to bounce ideas off others and polish concepts into their best possible end product.

And sometimes that best possible end product is a Wonderwall joke.