Let's work together!

Being a renaissance woman is a quality I believe exists within every individual. Creating

content that displays all my passions, experiences, life lessons, and daily experiences has been a

passion of mine all my life. What began as a hobby is growing to become a source of

inspiration with each given day.

Excited to jump into something new, so don’t be shy, I’m just an email away.

I’ve worked with over 16 clients from different industries. Want to start a project together?

Get in touch today, I’m just a click away. I’ll get back to you within 2-3 business days.


Who is Sonia?

I am a 24 y/o young professional based in good ol' NYC. I'm a full-time STEM researcher, retired athlete, content creator, and freelance model.

How will our collaboration look like?

We’ll start by setting up a plan and timeline that works for both of us. I’ll send you the work in increments that you can approve or request edits for.


I have 6 years of experience in the world of content creation — from a type of hobby to now as a refined passion. I focus a lot on my likes and interests, seen through my love of food, culture, fashion, and health.

Are you open for a longer contract?

Definitely. I love one-off projects, but I’m all for building meaningful partnerships, so I’m open for retainer contracts.