Kindergarten teacher turned kick-ass fiction writer

I was nineteen when I wrote my first novel: WEB OF LOVE: 200+ pages of pirates and heaving breasts. I'm proud of my accomplishment. Right now, it's nestled in the back of my bedroom closet behind my tennis shoes.

Good place for it. :)

Slight lag twixt that first novel and my second. First, a five-year, on-and-off stint w/ Chrysler Corp. working on various assembly lines; then, four-plus years of college earning a BFA degree; then, ten years working as a graphic artist; then, four more years of college pursuant of a State of Michigan teaching certificate, followed by seven years of teaching little kids whilst simultaneously earning a Master of Arts in Education–

*pause for deep breath*

–and then, just when everything was looking so hunky-dory, I tumbled off a small wooden chair and effectively ended my teaching career. Little did I know, a new chapter in my life was about to be written. Title? ‘Serious Novelist’.

Serious novels written to date: 6, including my novella SOMEBODY KNOWS SOMETHING.

A list of K.K. Edwards' literary works, both published and yet to be . . .


SOMEBODY KNOWS SOMETHING: Suspense. 15,500 words. Twenty years after a little girl disappears, two strangers are drawn to her tragic story: one, desperate to uncover the truth; the other, desperate to keep it buried. Status: Published by Indie Novella, January 2022.

GINGERSNAP: Crazy nested story thingie. Psychological Suspense. 54,000 words. Did I say crazy? Actually, quite insane. Status of novel as a whole: trunked atm.

TWINK: Psychological Suspense. 51,500 words. Young man arrested for DUI is locked up overnight with a lunatic, or worse. Or much worse. Status: Refuses to crest 52K words, sooooo . . . complete? Thinking, yes. In the queue.

MY FRIEND MIKE: Psychological Suspense. 61,000 words. Young woman, arrested for stabbing her stepfather to death, can’t remember the last ten yrs. of her life. Status: Complete. In the queue.

CHERRY: Literary suspense. 78,500 words. Lonely, self-described selfish prick tries to save the life of an uncommonly sweet and naïve young male prostitute. Status: Complete and in the queue.

EFFIN’ ALBERT: Coming of Age/Suspense/Touch of Paranormal 72,500 words. Two young brothers try to stop a killer. Status: Complete. In the queue.

SOULLESS: Thriller. 76,000 words. A 13 y/o bully and his 9 y/o victim become unlikely allies when they stumble upon a murderer’s killing field. Status: Complete and in the queue.

MAXIMUM WHITE (Tentative Title): My first attempt at erotica, eek. Two cpts. in. Status: Currently on hold.

© K.K. Edwards 2023