Researcher, air quality expert and environmentalist, open to offers.

Experience from thin air

During my university studies, I dealt with the already burning problem of air pollution. As an air quality expert of the National Environmental Inspectorate of Hungary, I got acquainted with the public administration of the area in a year and a half, and then I learned the measurement and modeling of air quality in practice at a private company for two and a half years in Hungary and in the UAE. Now I'm back to school as a PhD student, ready to finish it and go to save the world.

Mobile sensoring in Sarasota

Mapping of particulate matter concentration with a moving backpack-mounted sensor measuring unit in Florida, Sarasota.

Determination of the structure of atmospheric inversion

To know the location and change of the warm air layer characteristic of the atmospheric inversion, to determine the position of the inversion with aerostat in Miskolc, Hungary

Mobile sensoring in Miskolc

Mapping of particulate matter concentration with a moving backpack-mounted sensor measuring unit in Miskolc, Hungary.

Stationary and mobile PM measurement in Miskolc

Mapping of particulate matter concentration with a moving backpack-mounted sensor and fix installed measuring unit in Miskolc, Hungary.

Particulate matter sensor testing

Long-term comparative studies underpinning the construction of a stationer particulate matter sensor network. Data analysis and display with MATLAB software.

Dispersion maps

Partuculate matter dispersion maps of Miskolc based on sensor measurement. Data analysis and display with Python matplotlib.

Industrial air quality indicator

Particulate matter sensoring device with three color lamp to indicate the air quality to employees and HSE at industrial workplaces.

Music directly from hard drive

Recycling hard drive from an old laptop and sacrifice on the altar of music. Turn on the speakers!