Development and interest

As an engineer I always loved the process to invent, design, assemble and test an idea, a machine, or a method. My experience in the public and private spheres has shown that the measurement of air pollutants is shifting from central organizations and expensive assets to individuals and to cheaply available devices. These sensory toys, which are available to anyone, also hold great opportunities and dangers.

I wanted to be not only an observer, but also an active participant in this process, so in the last few years I have learned the tricks of 3D printing, programming, and soldering.

Analyzing and displaying data processing is my favorite part of a research. What could be more important than communicating the results of up to several years of work in an understandable way.

Beside designing, implementing, and evaluating measurements that are more enjoyable for me, I had to learn about project management and the other tasks involved. In addition to conducting procurements and concluding contracts, I have also developed a lot in communication with colleagues, partners, and stakeholders. Budgeting and deadline planning have become a part of my daily routine.