A protein bar that swaps sugar and artificial additives for anti-aging bone broth protein.

Meet: Paleovalley Superfood Bars.

Not Your Average Protein Bar.

When most people think of a protein bar, they think of an Oreo flavored sugar bomb you eat when you're about to fall off the side of a mountain.

Paleovalley Co-Founder Autumn Smith wanted to make a protein bar that fits into all of life's adventures.

The Paleovalley Superfood Bars landing page contains the message that this isn't just for physical energy, but the physical and mental stamina everyone from mountain climbers to busy parents need for all of life's adventures.

See the full page here.

Product research revealed there are plenty of protein bars on the market, but none of this quality.

In an effort to transition the product-aware audience to most aware and ready to buy, the copy highlights issues you'll find with most competing products and intends to arouse frustration for anyone who has used these products.

It then revisits the original pain point, and explains how, unlike other lesser options, this product will solve these issues with its unique mechanism - superfoods and bone broth protein powder.

See the full page here.

Paleovalley: Nutrients the way nature intended.