Solving Business Problems is a Passion of Mine.

I love beautifully written copy. I really do. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and if the copy isn't helping solve a problem, ease a pain point, or make a sale, then beautiful is all it'll ever be. I like to play where form and function intersect.

Collaboration and flexibility are key to solving big problems and I received a Global Marketing Excellence Award from Veeam in one of those two things. (Hint: It was for stellar collaboration skills.)

I could go on forever about why I love doing what I do. But, you need to see it for yourself. I've hand-selected some of my favorite pieces from the last 8 years of my career. If you don't see what you were hoping to find, give me a shout. With experience across 8+ different industries and 12+ key brands, I might just have what you're looking for. Enjoy!